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Use the App


Executing the help command will show you all possible commands:

You may execute some commands to become familiar with the shell.


Switch over to the Flow Orchestrator to see all flows of this app:

Flow UserShell implements the shell and uses a subflow for every shell command. Flow Authenticator is a custom authenticator flow for REST and will be discussed later. Both have the tag automate which starts the flows automatically when the app is installed.


Phases of a Shell

There are two phases of a shell:

  • Creation of the shell

  • Shell command execution

The creation of the shell takes place on flow start. For example, the outer left part executes the definition of the username and isadmin shell command parameters; the shell command definition add and passes that to the shell component, which stores the definition. The same takes place for all other commands. After this phase, you can attach a Terminal dashboard component to it without any command handlers and can execute help to see the available commands.

You then add a command handler for each shell command, and the shell executes it when the command is issued.

Make a Shell Command REST-aware

Click on a shell command component to see its properties:

It is configured to handle REST requests with a POST method. That’s actually all you have to do to turn a shell command into REST-aware.


This is a simple flow that is used if the Web API uses custom authentication. You can use this method to authenticate users against a custom database, for example. For demonstration, the above flow extracts property magic out of the JSON message body and verifies whether it has the proper value to pass authentication:

REST Routes

Switch to the Web API to see all defined REST routes:

A route for a REST-aware shell command must be <shellname>/<commandname>. In our case, user/add and so on. All routes have the authentication flag set and therefore require the authentication defined under tab AUTHENTICATION:

We have defined user credentials with a custom flow via JWT.

Test with Postman

Postman is an easy way to test your REST routes. Install it from here.

To access a Flow Director REST route, you must use this URL:



If a route is protected with JWT, you first need to acquire a JWT token from this route:


by issuing a POST call with a JSON body set to whatever is requires to authenticate. Our custom Authenticator flow requires a property magic set to “let me in”:

This returns a token under access_token you will use to authenticate calls to the user shell. Copy this token and create a new request for the user/add route. Define the token as a Bearer token:

Then define the JSON body to add a new user:

And issue the command:

Issue a list command with GET to see the users (use the same token):

API Key (Static Authentication)

To use this method, change the AUTHENTICATION settings:

Then copy the access token and define it as Bearer token in Postman:

Then execute it:

User Credentials / App User

This method authenticates the requests as a login to the app:

You specify username and password as Basic authentication in Postman:

Then execute it:

User Credentials / Custom Flow

This method requires a flow similar to the JWT flow that authenticates username and password against a custom database:

You specify username and password as Basic authentication in Postman:

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