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Quick Setup


Select SwiftMQ / Kafka Bridge from the app selector:

The default user is admin with password changeme.

Enter your License Key

The first login to the app requires entering a license key. If you don’t have one yet, you can purchase it right here:

Setup Wizard

After entering the license key, the default dashboard is displayed which shows the total throughput of all configured bridges:

Because you did not define any bridges yet, activate the Setup Wizard from the toolbar:

It will guide you through the configuration. You can activate the wizard for reconfiguration anytime later from the toolbar.

Create a SwiftMQ to Kafka Bridge

A bridge is created between a queue or topic of the embedded SwiftMQ router in Flow Director and Apache Kafka (on-premise or cloud-based like Confluent Cloud). This example creates a bridge between topic warehouse_order_event of the embedded SwiftMQ router and topic warehouse_in of an Apache Kafka cluster running in Confluent Cloud:

  • Define a unique bridge name that is displayed in dashboards.

  • Specify source queue or topic name. If you use a queue, it is automatically created if it does not exists.

  • Specify the source type.

  • Specify the Kafka broker properties. This is quite flexible since you can add any option here. In our case, we just copy it from Confluent Cloud.

  • Specify the target Kafka topic name.

  • Specify a serializer for the message body. You can choose between ByteArray and String.

  • Specify a Kafka key. This is important for partitioning. Messages with the same key go to the same partition and ensure total ordering. The key specifies the property name of the incoming JMS message. If the property is defined, the value is set as key. Otherwise, the key is set as the static name. That way you can set the key to static and dynamic values. Specify 'none' to set the key to null.

You can create more bridges by clicking the + button:

Remove a SwiftMQ to Kafka Bridge

Click on

to remove the bridge.

Create a Kafka to SwiftMQ Bridge

A bridge is created between one or more Kafka topics and a queue or a topic of the embedded SwiftMQ router. In this example, we bridge topics orders_de, orders_fr, orders_us of an Apache Kafka cluster running in Confluent Cloud into queue OrdersAggregated of the embedded SwiftMQ router.

  • Define a unique bridge name that is displayed in dashboards.

  • Specify the Kafka broker properties. This is quite flexible since you can add any option here. In our case, we just copy it from Confluent Cloud.

  • Specify the source Kafka topic names.

  • Specify a deserializer for the message body. You can choose between ByteArray and String.

  • Specify target queue or topic name. If you use a queue, it is automatically created if it does not exists.

  • Specify the target type.

You can create more bridges by clicking the + button:

Remove a Kafka to SwiftMQ Bridge

Click on

to remove the bridge.

Start the App

After finishing your setup, you can start the app by pressing START APP:

It displays the Total Throughput dashboard and you might already see your bridges in action:

Starting and Stopping the App

The app is started after the initial configuration. This can be seen at this button in the toolbar which displays green:

Press it to stop the app:

To start it, press it again.


To change your configuration, press this button:

It launches the wizard and you can apply your changes. Then press UPDATE APP:

It restarts the app with the new settings.

Change your Password

You can change your password here:

You are being logged out after a change and have to login again.

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